Strange Attractors
(previously Weather Report)
A study of atmospheric science variables; Weather Report is a photo, video and data based exploration of the dynamic nature of the monsoon skies above Mumbai. Using the station model method (a meteorological data visualisation technique that depicts current weather conditions over a given location), this body of work links real time data with visuals in an attempt to track shifts in climate and weather at this critical time of Anthropocene - a geological period of time defined by human impact on the planet.
Mumbai recorded over 3000mm of rainfall in the monsoon months of June-September in 2021, which is 30.27% above the seasonal average of 2205mm.
Three extremely heavy rainfall days were reported through the season with there being a great variability in rainfall distribution throughout the season. June 2021 was the third wettest recorded while the maximum amount of rain fell in July, partly due to two extremely severe storms which developed very rapidly and flooded the city in a short amount of time. The month of August was the sixth driest since 1901 while September ended up being the tenth wettest since 1901.
This varying pattern of rainfall - short bursts of intense rainfall followed by long, dry spells is increasingly being recognised the world over as a time signature of a rapidly changing climate.